MATLAB: Counting proportion of all rows taken by each unique row


Hi Everyone,
Suppose I have a matrix A, and I wish to determine the number of unique rows this matrix has. Then I could form B using:
B = unique(A,'rows')
So far, so good. This yields, say, 5 unique rows out of 100.
My problem is the following. Suppose, having found B, I wish to count for each of the 5 unique rows, how many rows are identical … and then divided by the total number of rows in A, and sort. This will in this case give a 5 x 1 matrix summing to 100%.
How might this be done?

Best Answer

X = ceil(rand(10, 10) * 5); % Test data
[B, I, J] = unique(X, 'rows');
n = size(X, 1);
H = histc(J, 1:n) / n