MATLAB: Counting occurrences of a pointer

MATLABpointersvector counting

u=ceil(rand(n,1)*n); % random sample on (1,n) with replacement
h(u) = h(u) +1;
u = [3 4 1 1 5]]
h = [1 0 1 1 1]
note h(1) = 1 not 2 even though there are 2 occurrences of 1 in u
I know the following loop will count properly
for i=1:n
h(u(i)) = h(u(i)) +1;
How can I code this a a vector operation without a loop?

Best Answer

u = [3 4 1 1 5]
accumarray(u',[1:numel(u)]',[],@(x) numel(x))