MATLAB: Counting by One, placing it in a string

for loophelpproblemstrings

So I am trying to make a program that a user can input a starting variable (n0), and how many numbers in want to view (n), and it will display that in this format.
n0=5, n=10
I REALLY want to use a for loop, but im open to suggestions. Thanks!
This is what i have so far, and its not even close :
%%User input
N0=input('What should n0 be? ');
N=input('What should n be? ');
%%For loop
for ix=N0:1:N
Making it into a string is going to be the second hard part.

Best Answer

>> n0 = 5;
>> n = 10;
>> c = sprintf(',%d',n0+(0:n-1));
>> c = c(2:end)
c = 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14