MATLAB: Counting all NaN and Sequence NaN in tables

for loopMATLABnantable

Hey all,
I have x.mat which includes 71 tables. for all tables, I want to count the number of NaN cells in 9, 10, 11, and 12 columns (separately). Also, I want to know the maximum sequence NaN in each column.
at the end I would like something like this for each column:
… … …
here what I was done so far, but I am not sure about the accuracy:
tmax_i = 0;
tmin_i = 0;
rrr24_i = 0;
tm_m = 0;
for y = 1:height(x)
if(x.tmax_m(y) = nan)
tmax_i = tmax_i + 1;
if(x.tmin_m(y) = nan)
tmin_i = tmin_i + 1;
if(x.rrr24(y) = nan)
rrr24_i = rrr24_i + 1;
if(x.tm_m(y) = nan)
tm_m = tm_m + 1;
I don't sure about this. I don't know how to do this for every table in the x.mat and make a final output like what I said above.
Thank you in advance

Best Answer

tables are at their most useful if they're not split into multiple tables. Splitting a table into multiple ones often complicates the code. So first, let's merge all these tables:
stations = vertcat(x{:});
Your calculation can be done in just one line, using groupsummary. First, you'll need to create a m file for the calculation of the longest nan sequence as it can't be done with an anonymous function:
function maxlength = longestnanseq(v)
%takes a COLUMN vector v and returns the length of the longest NAN sequence in the vector
transitions = find(diff([false; isnan(v); false])); %guaranteed to have an even number of elements
maxlength = max(transitions(2:2:end) - transitions(1:2:end));
And then:
station_summary = groupsummary(stations, 'station_name', {@(var) nnz(isnan(var)), @longestnanseq}, 10:12);
Optionally, rename the variables in the new tables, as it's not obvious what fun1 and fun2 are:
station_summary.Properties.VariableNames(3:8) = compose(["NanCount_%s"; "LongestNanSeq_%s"], string(stations.Properties.VariableNames(10:12)));