MATLAB: Counting a groupe of zeros

counting zeros

I am trying to count a group of zeros with a for loop.
But it keeps giving me the error Index must be a positive integer or logical.
for i=1:size(TachographVehicleSpeed)
if (TachographvehicleSpeed(i)==0&&TachographvehicleSpeed(i-1)~=0)
Stops = Stops + 1;

Best Answer

If you want to count groups of zeros, like the number of groups and number of zeros in each group, you can use regionprops() if you have the Image Processing Toolbox.
m = [1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]; % Sample data
[labeledArray, numberOfZeroGroups] = bwlabel(m == 0);
stats = regionprops(labeledArray, 'Area');
zerosInEachGroup = [stats.Area]
numberOfZeroGroups = 3
zerosInEachGroup =
3 2 4