MATLAB: Counter goes up than down to 1 in recursive function

counterfunctionifMATLABprogrammingrecursionreturnwhile loop

I want my function to return how many 'moving windows' of a particular size can fit in a given length_n-long signal, with a given hop size.
here is my function :
| function N_n = numWindows( N_n, currentSample_n, hopSize_n, length_n, width_n )
% check if we have reached the end of the signal
if currentSample_n + width_n >= length_n
currentSample_n = currentSample_n + hopSize_n ;
N_n = N_n + 1;
% here we call the same function on the rest of the signal
numWindows( N_n, currentSample_n, hopSize_n, length_n, width_n );
This code returns systematically N_n = 2; When I entered debug mode I saw that N_n was increasing normally to the correct value, then as the function exited the "if"s one after the other, I saw that N_n was decreasing 1 by 1, just as it had increased in the first place. And the function stopped with N_n = 2.
I tried it with a while loop but it was quickly taking a very long time as the signals started to get long (= big length_n input value).
I would be very grateful to any kind of advice on this problem, thank you very much !

Best Answer

Ok, I think I got it: I believe you need to recursively output N_n when you are calling numWindows within the function.
I don't know signal processing, so sorry if it doesn't make sense, but if you try:
Then you'll get N_n=49 after modification.
Does it sound about right?
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