MATLAB: Count number of smaller than the threshold in the certain rows of cell arrays

arraycell arraysMATLAB

Dear all,
I have a 1 x 3 cell array, each 3 array includes 360×1 double. For each 1 to 360 rows stored in every 3 arrays, I want to know how many times I have smaller than -0.5 values. For example, I want to consider all first rows in each array and count that there is any smaller than -0.5 exist in them. Then consider all second rows in each array, and so on. I don't want to look at each array individually but I need to consider every row in all arrays as integrated rows.
So input is 1 x 3 cell array. And the output is: 3 x 1 double (number of times each row has smaller than -0.5 values)
Any advice is really helpful
Thank you.

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