MATLAB: Count number of rows without NaNs

counting rowsignoring nan

I have a 10×2 cell. Each of these cells contains a 10×8 double. I'd like to count all the rows from column 2 (so Data{1,1}(:,2)) which don't have the vale "NaN" and have the value "1" in its row 8 (Data{1,1}(:,8).
What I've tried:
for n = 1:10
Result(:,n) = sum(~isnanData{1,1}(n,2),1(find(Data{1,1}(n,8) == 1)))
This seems not to work ("Error: Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket.").
Thank you for any help!

Best Answer

gives you the count of rows that don't have NaN on the second column and have 1 on 8th column
if you want to run that on all elements of your cell array you can do this:
func=@(D) sum(and(~isnan(D(:,2)),D(:,8)==1));