MATLAB: Could Someone Provide the Sample Output for these Two Programs? I don’t own MATLAB or if you know another way for me to get sample output.. thank you.

output sample matlab program

1. MATLAB Program
nsamples=100; % number of samples

n = 225; % sample size 225
a = 1;
b = 2;
data = -3+9*rand(nsamples, n); % random 100x225 data sample from a uniform (0,1) distribution
cMean = mean(data, 2); % mean of each sample

answer_a = sum(cMean > a & cMean < b)/nsamples; % how many data means are between a and b

answer_b = mean(cMean);
answer_c = std(cMean, 1);
title('Generating 100 Samples of Size 225 Simulated U(-3,6) Random Numbers Histogram Question 1 Part d)'); %title of histogram

xlabel('Z'); %labeling x-axis

ylabel('Frequency'); %labeling y-axis

2. MATLAB Program
nsamples=400; % number of samples
n = 625; % sample size 625
a = 3;
b = 5;
lambda = 0.2;
data = -log(rand(nsamples, n)) / lambda; % random 400x625 data sample from a uniform (3,5) distribution
cMean = mean(data, 2); % mean of each sample
answer_a = sum(cMean > a & cMean < b)/nsamples; % how many data means are between a and b
answer_b = mean(cMean);
answer_c = std(cMean, 1);
title('Generating 400 Samples of Size 625 Simulated Lambda = 0.2 Random Numbers Histogram Question 1 Part d)'); %title of histogram
xlabel('Z'); %labeling x-axis
ylabel('Frequency'); %labeling y-axis

Best Answer

Here you go.

1. MATLAB Program

   answer_a =
answer_b =
answer_c =

2. MATLAB Program

   answer_a =
answer_b =
answer_c =