MATLAB: Could someone help me with the “imwrite” command please ? Error using imwrite>parse_inputs (line 541) The colormap should have three columns.

i thank you in advance.

ImageData = imread(Result{1}(i).raw_list.z);
imwrite(ImageData , strcat("C:\Users\toto\Documents\SP4\Camera_Images\", num2str(i), '.png'), 'png');

Best Answer

The error message is misleading. The problem is that, surprisingly, imwrite does not yet support string arrays for the filename.
Change your double quotes to single quotes and all should be well
imwrite(ImageData , strcat('C:\Users\toto\Documents\SP4\Camera_Images\', num2str(i), '.png'), 'png');
Or rather than using strcat + num2str, use sprintf:
imwrite(ImageData , sprintf('C:\Users\toto\Documents\SP4\Camera_Images\%d.png', i), 'png');
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