MATLAB: Could anyone here provide some information about agent-based modeling using Simulink

agent based modelingcomplex systemssimulink

I've been exploring the use of Simulink for agent-based modeling but it's hard to get sources such as tutorials or explicit information if we compare with NetLogo or AnyLogic.
I highly appreciate your assistance!

Best Answer

As far as I understand the SimEventsTollbox can help you through this.Below are some links for learning about SimEvent Tollbox.
Other than that there is a file exchange present on matlab central .
The following Webinar is a good place to get started with agent-based modeling, and it contains a link to download the source code and models. Please note that you would need products like Simulink, SimEvents and Stateflow for this example:
Apart from the Webinar video, there are some examples on SimEvents which might provide more information on how to perform event-driven simulations:
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