MATLAB: Could anyone help to draw the 3D graph for below equation


Could anyone help to draw the 3D graph for below equation? My equation is as follow but not working.
[My equation] f(x1, x2) = 1000 + 7 * x1 – 700 * x2 + 23 * x1 * x2 + 10 * x1^2 + 5.6 * x2^2
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-30:10:50);
Z = 1000 + 7*X. - 700*Y. + 23*X.*Y. + 10*X.^2 + 5.6 * Y.^2;
Thank you.

Best Answer

There were some problems with the way you wrote your equation for ā€˜Zā€™. This works:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-30:10:50);
Z = 1000 + 7*X - 700*Y + 23*X.*Y + 10*X.^2 + 5.6 * Y.^2;
surfc(X, Y, Z)
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