MATLAB: Could anyone help me to solve the issue


I want to compare the performance of two systems lets say A and B. I am getting the graph as i have attached it. for legend i have used the command
from the graph it is well clear B have better performance than A. so how to have the legend such that B comes first followed by A.

Best Answer

You need to save the handles to the line objects (i.e. the output of plot) in an array. Then you can re-order that array as you please. If you use the 'DisplayName' option in plot, you can avoid having to re-order a cell with the names as well.
h=[];%make sure h is empty
hold on
order=[2 1];
Another method is just to re-order the legend once you have it:
h = gca;
hC = findobj(h,'Type','line');
order=[2 1];