MATLAB: Could anyone help me to plot the graph for the result shown below.

plot graph

output1(:,:,1) =1.0e+10 * 1.8380 1.9754
output1(:,:,2) =1.0e+10 * 2.0014 2.1991
output1(:,:,3) =1.0e+10 * 1.8425 2.0028
output1(:,:,4) =1.0e+10 * 2.0771 2.1659
output1(:,:,5) =1.0e+10 * 0 2.1944
I want to plot the values (1.8380,2.0014,1.8425,2.0071) separately and (1.9754,2.1991,2.0028,2.1659,2.1944) separately into one graph.These values are generated by the code and so i cannot assign it. could anyone help me to plot the graph.

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