MATLAB: Correlation for multi-dimensional arrays


Hi everyone,
I need to compute correlation coefficients – lots of them. I have two three-dimensional arrays (frequency x time x observations) and I want to compute correlations between the two arrays along the third dimension. The result I need is a two-dimensional array of correlation coefficients (frequency x time). If I understand the corr function correctly, corr is only for column vectors. If I loop over my other two dimensions, I can of course compute the correlation for each time-frequency point separately, but this is very slow.
Is there a way to compute correlation coefficients for multi-dimensional arrays along an arbitrary dimension, or any other way to speed up the computation of correlations?

Best Answer

If you don't have NaNs in the data, and you want the standard Pearson coefficient, then you could try applying the formula for correlation directly, like this:
% Synthetic data for testing
a = rand(10, 10, 100);
b = rand(10, 10, 100);
b(1, 1, :) = 3 * a(1, 1, :) - 2; % r(1,1) should be + 1;
b(1, 2, :) = -17 * a(1, 2, :) + 8; % r(1,2) should be - 1;
% rest of r should be random between +1 and -1
% Compute correlations on third dimension
% Remove means
az = bsxfun(@minus, a, mean(a,3));
bz = bsxfun(@minus, b, mean(b,3));
% Standard Pearson correlation coefficient formula
a2 = az .^ 2;
b2 = bz .^ 2;
ab = az .* bz;
r = sum(ab, 3) ./ sqrt(sum(a2, 3) .* sum(b2, 3));
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