MATLAB: Correlation computation using a window of 3


Please I have 3 column x, and y
x = 5, 8, 9, 4, 9, 6, 0 ,7 ,8 , 5, 4
y = 6, 4, 8, 7, 3, 7, 8 ,7 ,6 , 4, 7
I want to find the correlation using 3 window size computation
for instance the first 3 windows will be corr for x = 5, 8 , 9 and y = 6, 4, 8
The if the last numbers is not equal to 3 then the correlation of the numbers present is obtained in the case of
The cor for x = 5, 4 and y = 4, 7 is obtained
I get a new column for x and y with 4 rows
I need a value for the correlation instead of the corrcoef function which is giving me matrices.
Thanks for your help in advance.

Best Answer

I don't entirely understand what you're trying to do, but you may want to use corr(a,b) instead of corrcoef(a,b) or corrcoef(C).
For a matrix C, corrcoef(C) returns a correlation matrix, i.e., a matrix whose (i,j) element is the correlation coefficient between the i-th and j-th columns of C. For column vectors a and b, the syntax corrcoef(a,b) is the same thing as corrcoef([a,b]) (i.e., MATLAB just puts the two vectors together into a single matrix, and then finds the correlation matrix).
On the other hand, corr(a,b) simply returns the correlation coefficient between the vectors a and b. Note, however, that corr([a,b]) = corrcoef(a,b) = corrcoef([a,b]), i.e., that syntax will also return the correlation matrix. So if you just want the one correlation coefficient, you need to use corr(a,b).
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