MATLAB: Correct NaT in time series – datetime function

datetimenat;time series

Hello! I am using the datetime function for a rainfall time series imported from excel:
[a z] = xlsread('complete_series.xlsx',2,'D1:E135714');
t1 = datetime(z(:,1),'InputFormat','dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss');
but each time at midnight i get NaT value.
For example in excel i have 08.09.2015 00:00:00, the datetime function returns NaT. All other values different from midnight are correct.
Where could my mistake be? Thank you

Best Answer

See -- Excel is using a different date format for midnight exactly.
I would suggest, however, that you instead use readtable. You might need to use detectImportOptions first to fix up the format for the time objects, possibly.
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