MATLAB: Copying a GUIDE interface and retaining the tag names


Hi all,
I am updating a large program I wrote a while back that uses 14 separate interlinked GUIDE interface windows. I am creating a tabbed version instead using TabManager on the File Exchange.
Is there a way to copy the components from one GUIDE GUI to another and retain the tag names?
By default they are renamed when I copy them into my new interface. If I could avoid this it would save me a couple of days work re-naming hundreds of static text and edit text fields, buttons etc. I could then copy the code from my old callbacks to my new callbacks and know everything will still work as it did.
I think the answer to this is "no"…?

Best Answer

"Is there a way to copy the components from one GUIDE GUI to another and retain the tag names?"
openfig() the .fig file associated with the GUI. copyobj() the appropriate parts of the returned figure into the figure that is going to be the merged result.
Note that the callbacks that GUIDE generates internally all reference the original GUI name, such as
@(src, event) OriginalGUI('openFiles_KeyPressFcn', src, event, guidata(src) )
and those properties are going to remain the same when you copyobj(), leaving you with references to multiple functions. copyobj() will not adjust the saved callback properties for you.