MATLAB: Copy the curve in the Axes of a Figure to the Axes of a GUI

copyobjfigurefindobjguiguidetransfer figure

I have a figure (simple sine curve). Figure 1. And I have an Axis in a GUI (guide), with the tag axes1.
I want to copy this cruve from Figure 1 to the GUI.
I have tried the following on a button in the guide code:
FigAxes = findobj('Parent',figure(1),'Type','axes');
I also tried to use findobj for the axes in the GUI (guide) and then use copyobj. and i dont know how.
FigAxes = findobj('Parent',figure(1),'Type','axes');
GUIAxes = findobj(); %code to find axes1 in guide;
Nothing worked. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

If you have the handle of figure 1 as hFig then
hLine = findobj( hFig.CurrentAxes, 'Type', 'line' )
hLine = findobj( hFig, 'Type', 'line' )
would work, but again a lot depends on the figure and the axes you are taking these from - e.g. if you have multiple axes in your figure or multiple plots in your axes. In the latter case that may be what you want as it would copy all the line plots to your GUI.
Those two options would be equivalent if you just have 1 axes containing 1 line.
It is always useful to check the documentation though. This syntax of findobj is shown in
doc findobj
Where possible though it is always best to store handles when you create figure or axes or plot data though than have to find it afterwards using findobj
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