MATLAB: Copy pixels from one Matrix to other matrix

copy block

Hi all I have an image of size 256x384x3 then i divide the image into 4×4 blocks as
ca = mat2cell(rgbImage,bs*ones(1,size(rgbImage,1)/bs),bs*ones(1,size(rgbImage,2)/bs),3;
plotIndex = 1;
after that i generate a zero matrix of the image size and divide into blocks as
aa = mat2cell(a,bs*ones(1,size(a,1)/bs),bs*ones(1,size(a,2)/bs),3);
plotIndex = 1;
Now What i want is to copy the few block from original image to the block of matrix a
I tried this
but fail. after copy blocks i want to reconstruct the a matrix. please help me how i can copy the selected block of original image into the block of the new matrix and then reconstruct the a which was my zero matrix
or if there is an other way that how i can copy the block of the original image into zero image.
thanks in Advance.

Best Answer

EDIT (block with size 64x64)
rgbImage = imread('861.jpg');
ca = mat2cell(rgbImage,bs*ones(1,size(rgbImage,1)/bs),bs*ones(1,size(rgbImage,2)/bs),3);
plotIndex = 1;
aa = mat2cell(a,bs*ones(1,size(a,1)/bs),bs*ones(1,size(a,2)/bs),3);
amtx = cell2mat(aa);