MATLAB: Copy fields from object cell array into struct array

cell arraysMATLABstructures

Hi everyone,
I have a cell array of cfit objects, let's call it objArray. I want to copy several fields (or I guess I should call them attributes) from this objArray to build a struct array. I know I can do it the following way :
mystruct = cellfun(@(x) struct('field1',x.field1,'field2',x.field2), objArray,'UniformOutput',true);
However I would like a way of doing this with a function that takes as input objArray as well as a cell array containing the names of the fields I am willing to copy. It would look like this :
mystruct = obj2struct(objArray,fieldNames);
Any help is welcome 🙂 thanks

Best Answer

I would just keep it simple and use a for-loop. There will be no performance gains from doing it some other way. Any abbreviation of this using cellfun or arrayfun will be syntactic sugar at best.
function mystruct = obj2struct(objArray,fieldNames)
for m=M:-1:1
for n=1:N