MATLAB: Coping cell array but skipping a specific column

cell arraycopyingcropping

I have:
1×3 cell array
{3×16 cell} {3×15 cell} {3×15 cell}
I need to copy the "first" 10 columns of each cell but for each iteration I need to skip column 1, for the second iteration column 2, for the third iteration column 3, and so on. The resulting cell array (3×30) needs to be:
Skipping first column
column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6 column28, column29, column30
column2ofcell1, column2ofcell2, column2ofcell3, column3ofcell1,column3ofcell2, column3ofcell3column11ofcell1, column11ofcell2, column11ofcell3
Skipping second column
column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6 column28, column29, column30
column1ofcell1, column1ofcell2, column1ofcell3, column3ofcell1, column3ofcell2, column3ofcell3column11ofcell1, column11ofcell2, column11ofcell3
where the column of each cell is copied.
I put the word first in quotations because the columns to be extracted are not contiguous, so it is not always 1:10, the fist iteration is 2:11 because I need to skip #1, on the second iteration I need to skip #2 so I need to copy, 1&3:11, for the third iteration I need to skip #3 and copy 1:2&4:11 and so on until I skip the first 10 columns.
Thank you,

Best Answer

Not the best code but it works
for cv=1:10
%Create cell array with train data
EMG_InputSeries = []; Angle_TargetSeries = []; Angle_Moment_TargetSeries = [];
EMG_InputSeries=cellfun(@(x) x(:,1:11),EMG,'uni', false);
Angle_TargetSeries=cellfun(@(x) x(:,1:11),Angle,'uni', false);
Angle_Moment_TargetSeries=cellfun(@(x) x(:,1:11),Angle_Moment,'uni', false);
%Delete Test column
for i=1:numel(EMG_InputSeries)
%Organize as walk,up,down,walk,up,down
EMG_InputSeries= reshape(vertcat(EMG_InputSeries{:}), [3 30]);
Angle_TargetSeries= reshape(vertcat(Angle_TargetSeries{:}), [1 30]);
Angle_Moment_TargetSeries= reshape(vertcat(Angle_Moment_TargetSeries{:}), [1 30]);