MATLAB: Converting vector to 3d array


I am working on CIFAR-10 dataset. I found that working with gray scale image would be easier for me at this time. The image are represented in a matrix. Each row of the matrix is one 32×32 RGB image. The first 1024 elements are red channel values. The next 1024 are green and finally the last 1024 are blue values. What I have in mind is converting the rows into 3D arrays then changing them from RGB to grayscale and finally saving them to a 4D array. Is there any efficient way for doing that? I mean without using for loops.
Thanks alot

Best Answer

rgb2gray(reshape(TheVector, 32, 32, 3))
for any one vector of length 3072 (1024 x 1024 x 3). The result would be 2D, 32 x 32 . You could put a bunch of those together either along the third or fourth dimension, 32 x 32 x N or 32 x 32 x 1 x N.
Now, if you had a vector that was a multiple of 3072 long, representing different images, then it would start to get slightly interesting to do all of them at the same time without a loop.
temp = reshape(TheVector, 32, 32, 3, 1, []);
result = temp(:,:,1,1,:) * 0.299 + temp(:,:,2,1,:) * 0.587 + temp(:,:,3,1,:) * 0.114;
This would be 32 x 32 x 1 x N grayscale.
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