MATLAB: Converting variable length vector into variable length input argument for function

vararginvariable input argument

I'm trying to turn a function output vector of variable length into a variable number of arguments to be fed into another function, so each element of the output vector becomes one input argument for the next function below:
function [pd]=fit(xdata,fitname,pdfunc,start)
[params]=mle(xdata, 'pdf',pdfunc, 'start',start);
xdata is some data array, fitname is something like 'Exponential' or 'GeneralizedPareto', pdfunc is an anonymous function such as pdfgp=@(x,k,sigma,theta) gppdf(x,k,sigma,theta), and start is the initial parameter values required by mle.
Right now this produces a "Not enough input arguments" error. I've also tried variants on using eval, deal and num2cell with no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

This will not do any good. The output of mle is a numeric parameter estimate scalar or row vector. The parameters of makedist must be first the fitting name, and then name/value pairs.
You can use something like
temp = num2cell(params);
param_names = {'mu', 'sigma'};
pv_pairs = [param_names; temp];
pd = makedist(fitname, pv_pairs{:});
This counts on cell expansion going down columns first.