MATLAB: Converting two decimal numbers into binary, concatenating the resulting 8 bit integers to get 16 bit signed integer and converting to signed float (IMU)


So I have this 6DOF IMU that spits out data packets as follows:
sensorData = [85 13 109 85 12 147 12 0 156 0 71 255 229 10 144 252];
The acceleration in x axis for example, would be found by converting 12 and 147 to 8 bit binary numbers, concatenating them to get signed 16 bit binary number and converting them to signed floating point number.
I am not sure how to properly write the code to do the job. Here's my code for example, which doesn't work as expected:
sensorData = read(characteristic(b, "FF06", "FF08"));
z(i,1) = (typecast(uint16(bin2dec(strcat(dec2bin(sensorData(5),8), dec2bin(sensorData(6),8)))),'int16'))/SFacc; %SFacc = 8192 LSB/ms^-2
Am I doing something wrong? The values I receive are not what I am expecting.

Best Answer

double( swapbytes(typecast(uint8(sensorData), 'int16')) ) / SFacc