MATLAB: Converting matrix to constant value in matlab function (Simulink)

error with variable size arrayMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitesimulink matlab function

Hello everyone,
I'm writing a MATLAB-Function in Simulink and I am trying to create an output constant of an input matrix that is supposed to contain the minimum index-value of the matrix-values that are above a certain value. My function is:
function y =fcn(s,m)
Now when I run this, simulink gives me the error "The signal at 'Input Port 1' of 'File/Scope1' is a variable-size signal with a nondiscrete sample time. The sample time for any variable-size signal must be discrete."
I just want the variable y to have a scope as output. What do I do? I tried changing the properties of y to non-variable, but then it says "If the working dimension of MAX or MIN is variable in length, it must not have zero length at runtime."

Best Answer

Try a MATLAB Function block with the following, this worked for me
function y = fcn(u,m)
y = min(u(u>m));