MATLAB: Converting .m file to .mat


Does anyone knows how to convert .m file to .mat file. Please find my attached file below!
Thanks for your time!

Best Answer

There is no need to include the variables in square brackets. Replace:
[d] = struct();
d = struct();
an so on.
These line will write something to the commabnd window (square brackets removed already):
CRS = 'n/a'%['EPSG:' num2str(input('[CRS] EPSG code (just number) = '))];

TimeZone = 'UTC' %input('TimeZone (char) = ');
Description = 'Lacq field: bottomhole pressure' %input('Description of data (char) = ');
If this is not wanted, insert semicolons:
CRS = 'n/a'; %['EPSG:' num2str(input('[CRS] EPSG code (just number) = '))];
... etc.
Then running your code creates the MAT file in the current folder. Perhaps you should set this accordingly by:
% Or
% cd('C:\myData\Folder\');
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