MATLAB: Converting Hashtables with Matlab

javaMATLABmatlab java microscopy bioinformatics

Hey everyone,
So, I have these files generated in a format called .c01 (By Cellomics). I downloaded a App Package from this website which converts the .c01 file into a cell structure. I think all the raw data is stored in the 'Hashtable' cell. So I've extracted that cell and get an Object – 1×1 Hashtable. I have zero experience with Java and i'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to convert this hash table into an array of raw data values. Is there anyone with any experience with this that can help?

Best Answer

Hopefully this example helps to explain. You can obviously skip over the creating bit as you already have a table and presumably you just want to get all of the values out of it.
% create example Java hashtable and add some key/value pairs
h = java.util.Hashtable;
h.put('Name', 'John');
h.put('Country', 'UK');
% retrieve the value for a specific key
% retrieve all key names
allKeys = arrayfun(@char, h.keySet.toArray, 'UniformOutput', false);
% retrieve all key values
allValues = cellfun(@(x) h.get(x), allKeys, 'UniformOutput', false);