MATLAB: Converting equation to matlab


Hi, I am trying to convert the following equation to matlab code. I have a bunch of defined constants above this code but I am trying to figure out if my formatting is correct since I keep getting the wrong answer. I need to multiply the two functions and they are dependant on the variable E, everything else is a constant. Thanks!Capture.PNG

Best Answer

% note .* to get element by element multiplication
% ./ for element by element division
g = 1.0/(2*pi^2*h^3)*(2*m)^(3/2)*sqrt(E-Ec)
f = 1.0 ./(1+exp((E-Ef)/(k*T)))
N = g.*f
Sorry I didn't notice you already had some code for N = g.*f at the bottom of your original post, I just saw the typeset equations. Maybe this is equivalent what you already have. If so I guess there is a problem in your definition of the constants. In any case you have some unecessary parenthesis and also the ./ in your first equation is not needed when the denominator is a scalar.
You also have some apparently unecessary parentheses in your definition of the constants. This is a good reference on Matlab's precedence rules