MATLAB: Converting date times into periods, day, month


I have a list of datetimes, and I want to convert it to Month No., Day No. Period No. Where Period No. is the number of the half hour in the day, where 00:00 is Period 1. and 23:30 is Period 48. An example of the datetimes is as follows:
Ideally I will want to have 3 resultant columns. This is used for determining how things would be expected to run at a given period/day/month. There are other structures besides this, but this will help me on my way. Is there any simple way of doing this? I did use a couple of loops from an old way, but I am getting the data from a database now, rather than a flat file so I want to make it more efficient.

Best Answer

I would try something like this:
T = table();
[~,T.Month,T.Day] = ymd(FC.StartDateTime);
[h,m] = hms(FC.StartDateTime);
[~,T.period] = ismember((h +(m/60)),(0:.5:24));