MATLAB: Converting categorical data to prespecified numbers


I have a categorical array : ['SC' 'SC' 'SC' 'SC' 'SC' 'SC' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'GA' 'MI' 'MI' 'MI' 'MI' 'MI' 'MI' 'MI' 'MI' 'MN' 'MN' 'MN' 'MN' 'MN' 'MN'];
I want to convert each category to a number of my choice: for instance SC should be 23, GA=10;MI=13,MN=15 etc… How can I do so?

Best Answer

keys = categorical({'SC', 'GA', 'MI', 'MN'});
values = [23, 10, 13, 15];
[found, where] = ismember(yourcategoricalarray, keys)
correspondingvalues = nan(size(yourcategoricalarray));
correspondingvalues(found) = values(where(found));
correspondingvalues will be nan for those entries you don't care about.
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