MATLAB: Converting a group of .fig files into .pdf


Hello all,
I have about 30 .fig files and would like to convert them into .pdf in one go. Is there an easy way to do it? Thank you.

Best Answer

Are the files named according to some nice rule? eg. 1.fig, 2.fig, ... maybe you can write a script based on openfig / print (the details may have errors):
for i = 1:30
fig1 = openfig(sprintf('%s.fig', num2str(i)));
print(fig1,'-dpdf',sprintf('%s.pdf', num2str(i)));
close fig1
Might need adjustments, I'm not so great at figure handles and .fig files. Hopefully it will load all the figure files, i.jpg (for i = 1:30) then save them as i.pdf so you'd get 1.pdf, 2.pdf... in your current directory.