MATLAB: Converting a cell array into a matrix of stipulated number of columns and rows

arraycell arraysMATLABmatrix

Consider I have a cell array containing 4 cells
Each cell containd 'n' elements
Now I want to covert it into an array of size "n*4" where element of each row is take from elements of each cell
If it has tto be more clear for eg: ist row of the matrix contains 4 elements – each element is picked from 1st element of each cell.
I have used the model
for i = 1:numel(W{1})%w is the cell
wid(i,:)=double(cellfun(@(v) v(i),W));
But it is taking more time in matlab.So, is there any best and simple solution for this problem which can be simulated in less time?

Best Answer

Let C - your cell array.
if cells sizes are the same:
out = reshape(cat(2,C{:}),[],4);
if not the same:
out = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)x(:),C,'un',0));
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