MATLAB: Converting 3D data to 2D

3d to 2d

I have a 50×4 matrix with the columns being x, y, z, and a value. I want to average each x,y point through the z to convert my 3D data to a 2D.

Best Answer

So, you want to ignore the z, and average the values for each specific combination of (x,y)?
xyzv = [1 1 1 10 ; 1 1 2 20 ; 1 2 3 30 ; 1 2 5 40 ; 2 2 4 10] % test data
[xy,~,j] = unique(xyzv(:,[1 2]),'rows') % unique combinations of (x,y)
xyv = [xy accumarray(j,xyzv(:,4),[size(xy,1),1],@mean)] % ignore z, average v
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