MATLAB: Convert White noise added ECG signal into binary

ecgfractional decimal to binary

I am trying to convert an ECG signal into binary format. I have added noise to the ECG signal using awgn function. Now i need to convert this signal to binary format to give as an input to a filter. the commands i have given are,
load('ECG signal name')
z = awgn(val,0.5);
now z needs to be converted into binary format.
Please help how to do this.

Best Answer

Load ECG Signal
Make it all positive
shift_up = min(ecgsig);
ecg_n = ecgsig-shift_up;
Normalize it (0 to 1)
norm_1 = max(ecg_n);
ecg_n = ecg_n/norm_1;
convert it to I32
ecg_i32 = uint32(round(ecg_n*2^32));
Now your signal is converted in u32, you can use de2bi
ecg_b = de2bi(ecg_u32,32);
The signal ecg_b is the binary for of your ecg signal
To convert it back to normal
ecg_d = double(bi2de(ecg_b));
divide it by 2^32
ecg_d = ecg_d/2^32;
Now the signal you ve is normalized between 0 and 1. to convert it to original range
ecg_d = ecg_d*norm_1;
ecg_d = ecg_d+shift_up;
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