MATLAB: Convert vector of datenum values to datetime values


The first column of a 3×2 matrix is datenum values. How do I convert each element to datetime? It looks as follows:
b = [736848] 'words'
[736849] 'words'
[736852] 'words'
I want to convert b(:,1) to either datestr or datetime form such that each row looks like
b = 02-Jun-2017.
Can anybody help me do this? I get an error if I try doing
datestr((b:,1)) or datetime(b(:,1))

Best Answer

It seems that b is a cell array, and each cell in the first column contains one scalar datenum. You can use cell2mat to convert the first column of cells into a numeric vector:
vec = cell2mat(b(:,1));
Or vertcat:
vec = vertcat(b{:,1});
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