MATLAB: Convert two vectors (x and y) to a square matrix

image processing

So here is my problem.
I have two vectors that descibe a plot (a sinusiodal function) and I want to have the discretized matrix of this plot. It means that I want to have a 1 on the curve and 0 everywhere else.
Is this possible ?

Best Answer

x = 0:0.01:6.28;
y = sin(x);
M = ones(size(x,2));
x_int = 1:size(x,2);
y_int = ceil(y * size(y,2)/(abs(min(y))+abs(max(y))) +...
y_int(y_int>size(M,2)) = y_int(y_int>size(M,2))-1;
for k = 1:size(y,2)
M(y_int(k),x_int(k)) = 0;
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