MATLAB: Convert the time domain signal into frequency domain signal

freqency domaintime domain

Hi, I have represented the acceleration data of 3 axes(x, y, and z) in time domain as shown in the Graph
I would like to extract from the acceleration data some measurements (e.g. mean, energy, entropy and correlation) in the frequency domain. Therefore, I applied FFT transform in order to convert the time domain signal into frequency domain signal.
xx= fft(x_Segments{1});
yy= fft(y_Segments{1});
zz= fft(z_Segments{1});
However, the resulted graphs make no sense( so strange) which is not expected at all !! This is an example of the frequency domain signal of the x-axis.
Note, x_Segments, y_Segments, and z_Segments contain the data of X, Y, Z axes respectively
As we can see the graph doesn't make sense, so, is there any steps that I should follow before using the FFT function to get the expected frequency domain signal?
I really appreciate your help guys. thanks

Best Answer

See this version of the documentation for fft.