MATLAB: Convert String and Timestamp into Bytes


Hello Everyone,
How to Convert String data or Timestamp data to bytes and then send those bytes to another Laptop and on the another laptop regenerate the data back to String so that it is readable to Humans. Here is my code:
TheTime = now;
dv = datevec(TheTime);
dv(6) = 0;
reconstructed_time = datenum(dv);
timediff = TheTime - reconstructed_time;
diff_secs = timediff * 24*60*60;
s = sprintf('Master node sent Sync Message at Time %s%09.6f', datestr(dv, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:'), diff_secs)
When I run it, the result is:
Master node sent Sync Message at Time 2016-02-01 13:49:51.967210
How can I convert this result to bits/Bytes and then send these bytes to another laptop via UDP.
Then reconvert the Bytes to the String so that humans can read it.

Best Answer

sBytes = uint8(s);
Send sBytes
To reconstruct,
s = char(sBytes);