MATLAB: Convert spreadsheet that contains variable names and numbers into simple variables


Hello everyone,
I've been trying to convert a Excel Spreadsheet to variables. The Spreadsheet only has two columns and looks somewhat like this:
Cw 0.35
A 2.7
ig1 4.171
ig2 2.34
ig3 1.521
as you can see the variable names are written in the first coulmn and the the variable values in the second coulmn.
All i want to do is to extract those variables with the given name and value to my workspace (as a 1×1 table) since I need them that way for my Simulink model. I've tried xlsread and readtable as well as the import data button but i cant get it to output anything different than a table.
There must be a very simple solution to this problem?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

OK, given the example data from the original question in an .xls file -- to build a struct with those variables as fields with the associated values:
>> [v,n]=xlsread('timon.xls'); % values double array, text names cellstr
>> s=cell2struct(num2cell(v),n,1) % convert to struct w/ field names with values
s =
struct with fields:
Cw: 0.3500
A: 2.7000
ig1: 4.1710
ig2: 2.3400
ig3: 1.5210
Or, you can use the raw data returned as cell array--
will return the same struct