MATLAB: Convert Hexadecimal value to signed integer

hexadecimal to signed integerMATLABnumber system conversion

Hi, I have a .bin file in which data is stored in hexadecimal format. I want to do the following:
1. Read the hexadecimal data from the .bin file.
2. Convert the data into signed integer. For instance, if we have FF5C in the file, I want to read it and convert it into its corresponding signed integer representation which is -164.
Could anyone please show me the code to do so. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You haven't given enough information about your file for us to help much with question 1.
If it's a text file, use fopen, fgetl or similar and fclose. If it's a binary file, use fopen, fread and fclose.
For question 2., if it's a binary file, fread can read the data as signed integer as is. Use:
out = fread(fid, numvalues, *int16);
If it's a text file, convert your hexadecimal string with:
out = typecast(uint16(base2dec(hexstring, 16)), 'int16');