MATLAB: Convert hex data to string


I have a file which contains hex data of the form: '45 2B 30 30 0D 0A 20 20 20 30 2E 30 30 30 30 45'.
I'm trying to get a piece of code which will read the data and convert it from hexadecimal to a character string. I know that each of the pairs of numbers corresponds to a single character (the file shows me the translation, but not in a usable format) that could be alphabetical, numeric, or symbolic. I have so far been unable to locate a script which will properly convert to characters.
I am using the following to read the file into lines and strings for easier consideration.
fid = fopen('file.dat');
A = fread(fid, Inf, 'uint8');
Fmt = repmat('%02X ', 1, 16);
Fmt(end) = '*';
S = sprintf(Fmt, A);
C = regexp(S, '*', 'split');
I am not looking to use hex2dec, as this gives numeric returns only.
Sorry, but no, I cannot provide a sample file, though the string at the beginning is a sample from the file.

Best Answer

try A=importdata('file.dat'), you might get what you want in A.textdata