MATLAB: Convert fig into csv, txt or ascii


I have the m-file on generating all the graphs in .fig I need with a for loop, but I don't know how to extract the array data to csv, txt or ascii format (16-bit).
imagesc(x,y,C); %C is the data I want to extract
%m and n are variables created inside the for loop
I have tried dlmwrite and save, but I failed and could not fix the problem.
So I want to convert fig into csv, txt or ascii format instead.
filename_B=strcat(MM,'_profile'); %MM is a variable created inside the for loop
dlmwrite(filename_B.txt,squeeze(Data_time(:,m,n,:)),''); %Data_time is C
save(filename_B, squeeze(Data_time(:,m,n,:)),'-ascii','-double');
It would be better if I could just extract the data directly to the desirable format without first producing fig then convert.
For confidential issue, I can't provide the whole script, but I will try my best to explain my problem.
Many thanks!

Best Answer

I've never used it myself but there is a
doc csvwrite
function that sounds like it does what you want with respect to writing to csv.
doc fprintf
will write to a text file too if you specify it correctly.