MATLAB: Convert/decompose formula terms similarly to LinearModel

decomposeformulalinearformulalinearmodelpredictStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxterms

I'm trying to do something which must be implicitly done inside LinearModel.predict(), but I can't seem to get to it.
The task I'm trying to do is to have a linear formula given as a set of terms:
formulaTerms = {'X1','X2','X1*X2'} % ie, y = X1 + X2 + X1*X2
and then have the input terms defined in their simplest state such as:
inputTerms = {'X1','X2'}
and then produce a function that will take in each term in inputTerms and return to me each term in formulaTerms. For example in this instance the result would be:
outFcn = @(input)[input(1), input(2), input(1)*input(2)]
outFcn([2 3]) % Which gets the 3 terms in the formula: [2 3 6]
What I'm trying to do is generalise this to a function such as:
function linearFcn = convert(formulaTerms, inputTerms)
% linearFcn = ... (well, this is what I'm trying to write!)
The closest I can get to a general solution is something like the following where I can convert my formulaTerms into a formula string similar to what accepts:
f = classreg.regr.LinearFormula('y ~ X1 + X2 + X1*X2',{'y','X1','X2'},'',[],'identity')
This is basically what is created inside the LinearModel object, but I don't know how LinearModel.predict(input) combines this input variable with the LinearFormula object to produce the actual terms that are summed up to complete the linear model prediction.

Best Answer

Sven, what you are interested in is the designmatrix: x2fx
Alternatively, if you are still interested in the what predict does:
mdl =,y)
formulaTerms=classreg.regr.modelutils.designmatrix([X ones(length(X),1)],...