MATLAB: Convert cell to matrix with mixed data types

cell arraycell2matMATLABmatrixnan

I am trying to accomplish something relatively simple (most likely) but am struggling. I have a large cell array that I'd like to convert to a matrix. My cell array contains mostly numbers but a few '#N/A' where my source data was blank. I'd like to convert this cell array to a matrix and have those N/A's be converted to NaN. How can I go about doing this?
Thanks, Brian

Best Answer

A = {[3] [4] [ 4] '#N/A'
[2] [1] '#N/A' [ 3]
[4] [2] [ 5] [ 3]
[1] [4] [ 4] [ 2]}
A(cellfun(@ischar,A)) = {NaN}
out = cell2mat(A);
A - cell array - column
i1 = cellfun(@ischar,A)
sz = cellfun('size',A(~i1),2)
A(i1) = {nan(1,sz(1))}
C = cell2mat(A)