MATLAB: Convert Cell to array did not work

cell arrays

I have a cell array wich is
1×561 double
1×321 double
1×481 double
when i try to convert it to array using the code on mathwork which is :
maxEl=561;%max number of elements of a cell element in your cell
C=cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) [cell2mat(x) zeros(1,maxEl-numel(x))],hx,'uni',0))
did not work , and also the code :
c2 = cellfun(@(x) [x{:}], c, 'un',0) % convert to cell array of numeric array
[m, tf] = padcat(c2{:}) % concatenate, pad rows with NaNs
m(~tf) = 0 % replace NaNs by zeros
Any suggestion please !!!

Best Answer

C = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) [x zeros(1,maxEl-numel(x))], hx(:), 'uni', 0));