MATLAB: Convert cell array to matrix with two columns and sort rows by first column value

cellcell arraysconvertmatrix

I have a large Cell array with multiple cells. Every these cells has n-rows and two columns.
I want to convert this cell-array to one large matrix with j x 2 double matrix (j is sum value of all rows of all cells)
Cell_x =
1×8 cell array
Columns 1 through 4
{13×2 double} {10×2 double} {9×2 double} {11×2 double}
Columns 5 through 8
{9×2 double} {12×2 double} {6×2 double} {7×2 double}
Matrix_x =
77 x 2 double
after it, I want to sort the rows by values of the first column:
Test_unsorted =
4 45
8 78
9 77
1 68
Test_sorted =
1 68
4 45
8 78
9 77
Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

More robust and more efficient than using cell2mat:
M = vertcat(Cell_x{:});
M = sortrows(M,1)