MATLAB: Convert 2-D to I-D matrix


How to convert from 15*15 2D matrix to 1d matrix. This is the code I used but it seems that there is something wrong when I run it because it takes the value of the first row only??
function C=OneCamera(x,y) for i=1:15 for j=1:15 x=1 y=1
if d<36 C(i,j)=1;else C(i,j)=0;
% S=[1 ,2] B=C(1,:) % Q=C(5,:)
S=[B B] end
Your help is highly appreciated..

Best Answer

...convert from ... 2D matrix to 1d matrix...
A = randi(120,3); % matrix 2D size 3x3
S = A(:); % matrix 1D size 3x1 or

S = A(:)'; % matrix 1D size 1x3 or
S = reshape(A,[],1); % matrix 1D size 3x1 or
S = reshape(A,1,[]); % matrix 1D size 1x3
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