MATLAB: Conversion to double from memmapfile is not possible


Dear experts,
I keep getting the error message, "Conversion to double from memmapfile is not possible." Could anyone please suggest a solution?
Please see below for the relevant bit.
>> Y=SurfStatReadData( [thickfileleft, thickfileright] );
248 x 2 files to read, % remaining: 100 90 81 71 61 52 42 32 23 13 3 Done
data =
Filename: '/home/AAA/SurfStat/tp2fe01f69_6976_48ca_8574_a189843e46f1'
Writable: true
Offset: 0
Format: {'single' [81924 248] 'Data'}
Repeat: Inf
Data: 1x1 struct array with fields:
>> meanthick = mean( double( Y ) );
??? Error using ==> double
Conversion to double from memmapfile is not possible.
Please note that "SurfStatReadData" is one of the scripts of SurfStat
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my query. I would much appreciate any help.
Best wishes,
Kie Woo

Best Answer

Try mean(double( Y.Data.Data ))