MATLAB: Conversion of trained Neural Network into C++ data/code using MATLAB Coder.

cdeep learningDeep Learning ToolboxMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematlab codermatlab function

I have trained a neural network for my specific purpose to detect different types of arrow using a Webcam using Transfer Learning Method. I have used AlexNet for transfer Learning. The trained network is stored as an array of Convolutinal Neural Network [25*1]. The trained network is saved as a variable in MATLAB workspace and loaded in the corresponding MATLAB code for classification of arrows.
Now, i am trying to integerate this feature with a Robotino mobile Roboter and to do that i have to create a new function block in Robotinoview 2 software.
The new function block in RobotinoView 2 can only be created or defined using C++ program. So I want to convert the MATLAB Code into C++ code. I understood how to convert a MATLAB function into a C++ code.
In order to classify the types of arrows, the code has to be loaded with the trained Network array. But I dont understand how can i convert the trained convolutional neural network int to a C++ code or to a C++object/class.

Best Answer

You may find these resources helpful: (contains an example for generating C++ code for image classification using Alexnet)